Monday, May 01, 2006

Kitty O'Shea's Prayer Group - May 1

Seven regulars gathered at Kitty’s to pray.

In the time of general sharing, we discussed how some of us were feeling under forms of spiritual attack—in part, following or linked to times of busy-ness. In this season, it seems all the more important that we walk by faith and not by sight, believing the things which God is doing within us and in the wider Boston area. Often, our eyes do not see as they should.

In this context, we were reminded of the need to rejoice at the various signs of change—for example, the recent conversion of several people in or through Marty’s church; changes in the lives of people in Andrea’s church; and evidence of healing and deliverance through the Healing Center.

Even when we do see—for example, Hank reported a recently renewed sense of his mission field being local—a Godly restlessness and hunger for the Kingdom may still rightly characterize our lives this side of heaven.

We also discussed the possible uses of the Kitty’s upper floor space. Jim Luther’s group in New Hampshire continues to be interested in downtown mission but the expected funding has not yet been forthcoming.

In prayer, we remembered:

  • M. who was entering a detox program
  • P. who is undergoing health problems
  • The forthcoming outreach in Roxbury of which S. is part, remembering especially Muslims
  • The potential construction of a new large mosque in Roxbury
  • J. and her work situation
  • G.’s church and in particular, its current capital campaign, that God would use the new energy and commitment to prayer for his purposes.

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