Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Kitty O'Shea's Prayer Group - May 15

Four regulars gathered at Kitty’s to pray, joined by D. who had visited once before. We heard of his work in creating the Carpenter’s Fund which finances the set up of Christian businesses in Africa.

In prayer, we remembered the various themes through which God had been speaking to us recently:

Water — as a source of cleansing and blessing, and refreshment

Spiritual attack — we prayed for discernment and protection

We remembered the church in this country, especially the US Anglican Church which faces the choice of a new leader soon, and asked forgiveness when the church has been unfaithful or even apostate. We were reminded of the example of Ezra who called the returned people of Israel to faithfulness, and prayed for prophets to arise in Boston and for wisdom on all church leaders who sought truth here.

We prayed too for the city—and for its leaders, especially Mayor Menino. We prayed that people would come to recognize the ‘unknown God’ in the midst of their many idols, in the words of Paul. We prayed also in the words of 2 Chronicles 7:14: if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land”

We were grateful for Greg’s opportunity to pray with a troubled colleague last week, and to see the prayers answered later that week; and that the capital campaign at his church had reached the milestone of 80% of its target. We prayed for God’s work to be blessed and released in the church.

In prayer, we lifted up:

  • J.’s job situation
  • A.’s friend M.—that she would recognize truth
  • D.’s ministry through the Carpenter’s Fund—that the deal flow would be adequate and the work blessed; for the Muslim head of the water drilling company; and for the Masai chief he had mentioned.

We were also asked to pray for recruiting decisions faced by both H. and D., and for A.'s office.

-David P.

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