Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Kitty O'Shea's Prayer Group - May 8

Four regulars gathered at Kitty’s to pray, joined by S. who runs a non-profit ministry in Boston which ministers to families of victims of violence, and is staging concert to support this soon.

Some of us came with plans; others weary or despairing after continued spiritual attack; or frustrated at co-workers; still others feeling remorseful or ashamed. We gathered by the small spiritual ‘spring’ which has bubbled up at Kitty, and through sharing and in prayer, we drank deep of the living water which comes up from the great reservoirs of grace; and which brings cleaning, refreshing and slaking of thirst according to all the different needs there were.

In prayer, we were reminded that “these three remain: faith, hope and love; and that the greatest of these is love”. We remembered God’s unchangeable love for us, which seeks us out even when we flee or feel unworthy—“Where shall I go from your presence?” as the psalmist asks. In the light of this love and acceptance, we could experience renewed hope in the future; and renewed faith that God is indeed at work in and through us and in this area. We were encouraged to wait hopefully on God, with the word to ‘fear not, since I have overcome the world”.

David had recently been taken to a climbing wall, where he had experienced physically the safety harness which meant that even when he slipped, he was held safe and able to start again. This experience gave a metaphor of the safety net of grace which undergirds us as believers and enables us to keep climbing with hope, even though it takes effort and we are likely to slip at times.

In prayer, we remembered:

  • S.’s program for Live for the Future
  • The M. family who lost another family member to violence in Boston over the weekend
  • A.’s coworkers and upcoming event
  • J. and her work situation (after the door on the present prospect had closed)
  • J’s brother Jim who had recently had major heart surgery and other friends known to her
  • Jim and his vision for ministry in Boston
  • All those who had passed through Kittys over the two years; and especially the regulars not present.

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