Monday, April 24, 2006

Kitty O'Shea's Prayer Group - April 24

Six regulars gathered at Kitty's to pray.

We started with feedback from the prayer walk led by Hank on Friday evening on State Street. Three people had moved slowly up the street, stopping to pray at major buildings, and culminating at the place marked by a plaque which indicated that DL Moody had been converted there on the same day in 1855. Hank and David had gone on to join the Tremont Temple prayer gathering, where they found Bob. The meeting had been very different from what was expected: only around 70 people, far from the expected crowd, had met to pray, worship and hear from some of the area leaders. These insights had in themselves made the evening worthwhile, as these pastors spoke of their sense that revival had started in the heavenly realms, although not necessarily in the way which man might expect: rather than by gathering crowds of believers for times of refreshing, they spoke of how this revival was ‘for the harvest’ and how the church was called to act like John the Baptist in these days, preparing the way of the Lord. We were encouraged to be intentional and bold, while healing and strengthening the body. David shared the picture of trench warfare which had in some ways characterized the church’s external ministry—brief sorties across no man’s land, with little change of the front lines for a long time. However, the ‘weapons of mass deliverance’ of which we had prayed previously could cause the enemy trenches to be abandoned unexpectedly; and that, if we went over the parapet, we could find the ground undefended and ready to be taken. We discussed fear and boldness for a while.

In prayer, we were reminded of God’s great forgiveness extended to us all. We specially remembered G’s family, asking that he would have the wisdom and insight to minister forgiveness, which would bring healing to family members and relationships. We prayed too for J’s recent job interview—that God would bless her boldness in the interview and open doors for her in work.

We continued to pray for Kitty’s, following news of impending changes to the upstairs area: that God would bless the business and all who patronized it; and continue to provide a place for prayer and ministry.

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