Monday, April 10, 2006

Kitty O'Shea's Prayer Group - April 10

Five regulars gathered at Kitty's to pray. Four of us had been at the Sacred Assembly at Franklin Field the day before, and we shared our observations of the afternoon.

In prayer, we were grateful for the gathering—for the weather, which had turned out so well; for the organizers, and for all who came. We also gave thanks for the students and others who had faithfully prayed during the recent JHOP 40 days of prayer. We prayed, too, for First Baptist Church in Cambridge, which had allowed them use of its premises: that the church would be filled with new worshippers. As usual, we also prayed for Kittys. We asked for guidance about the Alpha course going forward; and we prayed for the 80 or more people who have joined in prayer in this space over the period of close to two years since prayer started.

As we prayed, we remembered the recent spate of confusing and sometimes directly misleading publications—from Judas Diaries to the forthcoming da Vinci code movie. We asked that such media would only make people thirstier for the pure, living water which alone can quench thirst; and indeed, we prayed for ‘raging thirst’ on the part of all who read or saw them.

We asked that Holy week would be holy in new ways to people who had lost all sense of its meaning; and were emboldened to pray that Jews celebrating Passover this week would also be drawn to Messiah. Bob mused before the Lord how wonderful it would be if the revival to come was led by the Chosen people of Boston, who had come to know Messiah.

We also remembered our families, especially J’s mother. We also continued to lift up the changing work situations of J and K.

Some of us were also struck by different images of water flowing in the city: whether from dams and reservoirs which were broken open by divine action, flooding the streets, and being sucked into and out of the top of tall buildings; or whether gushing from underground reservoirs which had been blocked, and which were now being re-opened as people dug deep down by seeking God’s face, and removed the debris which had clogged their own wells. In the spirit of ‘weapons of mass deliverance’ from several weeks ago, Bob spoke of the dam buster bomb, which was developed to break down dam walls in World War 2. Hank noted that, after launch, the bomb took time to bounce, then sink and explode against the dam wall. So too, we have to wait in faith for the cracks to widen and show following the recent intensified spiritual warfare in Boston. Andrea reminded us that it only takes a small crack to start the process of a large dam wall splitting.

-David P.

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