Monday, May 22, 2006

Kitty O'Shea's Prayer Group - May 22

Eight regulars gathered at Kitty’s to pray, joined by Lex who had visited before and was now able to come again, during a time of personal transition.

Although some had been experiencing times of spiritual attack or struggle, even if linked to new growth, we rejoiced in the evidence of answered prayer:

  • K’s son A, who was entering his next stage of life with evidence of real commitment and growth;
  • The various groups which faithfully evangelize in Roxbury, and for S’s most recent experiences of openness there;
  • Not only has the commitment target almost been reached at G’s church, but there is evidence that the campaign around a common goal is strengthening community there.

In our time of prayer, God continued to speak around the themes we have experienced of late:

Water—D. read Psalm 1:

But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law he meditates day and night.

3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither.
Whatever he does prospers.

4 Not so the wicked!
They are like chaff
that the wind blows away.

5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.

6 For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked will perish.

D. spoke further of God’s invitation, which is always for the here and now, to step into the river, which is always new, regardless of where the river goes.

K. read later from Isa 43: I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. In this sense, we prayed especially that God would make a way for A. and L. during times of transition; and we prayed anointing and protection on K.’s son A. as well as he goes to college.

Spiritual attack—K. read from Ephesians 6 as we prayed for discernment and protection. We remembered especially the effect of lies, whether spoken in our own mind through fears, or in the wider society through myths like the daVinci Code being widely believed. However, we rejoiced in God’s sovereignty, and ultimate victory over evil. We were grateful for the opportunity for God to show his power in turning around strategies of deceit; and we acknowledged that for us,so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.” Eph 6:13.

In the midst of these familiar themes, we also prayed to be open to the new work of creation with which God is ever at work, but which we often fail to recognize: our lenses are so often adjusted to looking for re-vival, in the sense of bringing the dead back to life, about which so much has been spoken and written that it seems familiar to us. However, we can miss much of what God is doing in creating the new, as K. read from Isaiah 43:

18 "Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.

19 See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

We prayed for the ‘radar’ to see opportunities for ministry and witness; and courage to take them.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Kitty O'Shea's Prayer Group - May 15

Four regulars gathered at Kitty’s to pray, joined by D. who had visited once before. We heard of his work in creating the Carpenter’s Fund which finances the set up of Christian businesses in Africa.

In prayer, we remembered the various themes through which God had been speaking to us recently:

Water — as a source of cleansing and blessing, and refreshment

Spiritual attack — we prayed for discernment and protection

We remembered the church in this country, especially the US Anglican Church which faces the choice of a new leader soon, and asked forgiveness when the church has been unfaithful or even apostate. We were reminded of the example of Ezra who called the returned people of Israel to faithfulness, and prayed for prophets to arise in Boston and for wisdom on all church leaders who sought truth here.

We prayed too for the city—and for its leaders, especially Mayor Menino. We prayed that people would come to recognize the ‘unknown God’ in the midst of their many idols, in the words of Paul. We prayed also in the words of 2 Chronicles 7:14: if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land”

We were grateful for Greg’s opportunity to pray with a troubled colleague last week, and to see the prayers answered later that week; and that the capital campaign at his church had reached the milestone of 80% of its target. We prayed for God’s work to be blessed and released in the church.

In prayer, we lifted up:

  • J.’s job situation
  • A.’s friend M.—that she would recognize truth
  • D.’s ministry through the Carpenter’s Fund—that the deal flow would be adequate and the work blessed; for the Muslim head of the water drilling company; and for the Masai chief he had mentioned.

We were also asked to pray for recruiting decisions faced by both H. and D., and for A.'s office.

-David P.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Kitty O'Shea's Prayer Group - May 8

Four regulars gathered at Kitty’s to pray, joined by S. who runs a non-profit ministry in Boston which ministers to families of victims of violence, and is staging concert to support this soon.

Some of us came with plans; others weary or despairing after continued spiritual attack; or frustrated at co-workers; still others feeling remorseful or ashamed. We gathered by the small spiritual ‘spring’ which has bubbled up at Kitty, and through sharing and in prayer, we drank deep of the living water which comes up from the great reservoirs of grace; and which brings cleaning, refreshing and slaking of thirst according to all the different needs there were.

In prayer, we were reminded that “these three remain: faith, hope and love; and that the greatest of these is love”. We remembered God’s unchangeable love for us, which seeks us out even when we flee or feel unworthy—“Where shall I go from your presence?” as the psalmist asks. In the light of this love and acceptance, we could experience renewed hope in the future; and renewed faith that God is indeed at work in and through us and in this area. We were encouraged to wait hopefully on God, with the word to ‘fear not, since I have overcome the world”.

David had recently been taken to a climbing wall, where he had experienced physically the safety harness which meant that even when he slipped, he was held safe and able to start again. This experience gave a metaphor of the safety net of grace which undergirds us as believers and enables us to keep climbing with hope, even though it takes effort and we are likely to slip at times.

In prayer, we remembered:

  • S.’s program for Live for the Future
  • The M. family who lost another family member to violence in Boston over the weekend
  • A.’s coworkers and upcoming event
  • J. and her work situation (after the door on the present prospect had closed)
  • J’s brother Jim who had recently had major heart surgery and other friends known to her
  • Jim and his vision for ministry in Boston
  • All those who had passed through Kittys over the two years; and especially the regulars not present.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Kitty O'Shea's Prayer Group - May 1

Seven regulars gathered at Kitty’s to pray.

In the time of general sharing, we discussed how some of us were feeling under forms of spiritual attack—in part, following or linked to times of busy-ness. In this season, it seems all the more important that we walk by faith and not by sight, believing the things which God is doing within us and in the wider Boston area. Often, our eyes do not see as they should.

In this context, we were reminded of the need to rejoice at the various signs of change—for example, the recent conversion of several people in or through Marty’s church; changes in the lives of people in Andrea’s church; and evidence of healing and deliverance through the Healing Center.

Even when we do see—for example, Hank reported a recently renewed sense of his mission field being local—a Godly restlessness and hunger for the Kingdom may still rightly characterize our lives this side of heaven.

We also discussed the possible uses of the Kitty’s upper floor space. Jim Luther’s group in New Hampshire continues to be interested in downtown mission but the expected funding has not yet been forthcoming.

In prayer, we remembered:

  • M. who was entering a detox program
  • P. who is undergoing health problems
  • The forthcoming outreach in Roxbury of which S. is part, remembering especially Muslims
  • The potential construction of a new large mosque in Roxbury
  • J. and her work situation
  • G.’s church and in particular, its current capital campaign, that God would use the new energy and commitment to prayer for his purposes.