Thursday, March 30, 2006

Healing Zeal

The Boston Noon Hour had a rare treat yesterday. We were privileged to look into the heart of a young fire-bearer, and see and feel the purity of the flame burning there.

Jaeson Ma is an Asian campus evangelist, well-known on the West Coast; unknown in New England. I met him in Colorado Springs two years ago, at a conference at the World Prayer Center for those with hearts burning for revival. It was not a big conference (we jokingly refer to this as the "No-name, No-money Awakening" -- no one's ever heard of the ones in the trenches, all of whom are afflicted with acute cash-flow problems). Jaeson persuaded Dutch Sheets to come, and also his mentor, Lou Engle, both of whom happened to be in CSprings at the time.

Yesterday Jaeson was in town to be part of what
God is doing at JHOP Boston, praying for the Spirit of God to fall on Harvard, MIT, and the 51 other campuses in the Metro Boston region. I asked him if he'd come share whatever God laid on his heart.

He started softly, in synch with the spirit of the Noon Hour. People strained to hear him. Then the full anointing kicked in, and with great passion (and no need for amplification), he described the finger of God coming down on campus after campus. There were 24/7 prayer groups everywhere! He showed us young people who had previously had no direction in their lives, suddenly aflame with the only direction anyone would want. He showed us the walls of America's intellectual Jericho cracking and starting to crumble, as louder and louder came the shouts of the small but growing army marching around them. As we could plainly see, it was an army that would never quit, and would greet each obstacle with even greater zeal.

Listening, it was hard to fight back tears. God was showing us how He was going to take every campus in this country! This year! He was showing us the second wave of the Awakening in action, and the sight of it confirmed in our hearts that the Third Wave -- the one which would over-wash everyone -- was about to break.

As we joined hands in our circle at the end, Alex declared there was healing power in Jaeson's zeal -- a zeal so strong and pure that people were going to be healed at his meetings. We prayed for Jaeson (who was thin when I met him, and is rail-thin now, on the 40-day fast). If you weren't among the 80 who were there yesterday, pray for Jeason now. He is a true torch for the Lord! May he burn ever brighter, confounding the darkness wherever God takes him!

Calendar notes: This Saturday (day after tomorrow) I'll be leading the next day-long Hearing-God workshop, at the Connecticut House of Prayer in Kensington. Check out their website at: and/or call Barbara Lachance for reservations: 860-460-4716. People have asked if there couldn't be one nearer Boston. There can -- in my living room in Hull. On April 22 (the Saturday after Easter), 9:30 to 3:30, $25 per person, beverages provided, but bring your own brown bag. There's plenty of free parking at the Hull ferry, right across the street, but only twelve comfortable chairs, so we'll limit it to that number. Email me here. April 6-9 -- Rumble University (Lou Engle's JHOP Boston gang) comes to Tremont Temple! Catch the fire!

April 9 -- The Black Ministerial Alliance is calling for a Sacred Assembly on Palm Sunday, 3:00 to 6:00 pm at Harambee Park in Franklin Field. You don't have to be black to attend. Ask God, if He would have you be among that number. Alex and I will be.

April 21 -- The Boston Noon Hour goes primetime. We're having our first evening prayer gathering, at Tremont Temple, 7:30 to 9:00 pm, the Friday after Easter. Time to gather the candles! If you've been receiving these updates, it's more than likely He will want you there. Ask Him. (If he does, don't be surprised if the other one starts throwing all manner of obstacles in your path, to keep you from coming.)

-David Manuel

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