Friday, March 17, 2006

God's stew

One way the Awakening differs from other great moves of God in the past is in terms of functional unity. We never planned it that way (we were careful not to plan it at all). At the beginning of each Noon hour, we turn the time over to God. We ask Him to give us the prayer concerns -- and then the right words to pray. He does, and as the hour progresses, His presence grows stronger. Last week He gave us this benediction:
I am well pleased at what I see in the hearts of those I have gathered here. Take these concerns with you, when you leave. Bring them up again. Each time you do, I will hear them in Heaven, and will record. Pray with urgency, for the concerns I give you are urgent. Stir up your hearts and rejoice, for I am about to do what you have been asking and imploring me to do.
We're becoming family. We look forward to seeing each other, and we miss one another, when we can't make it. Time passes quickly; as Gail says,"It's the fastest hour of the week." Towards the end we gather in a circle and join hands. We raise personal concerns and pray for each one. Then, promptly at 1:00 pm, we say the Lord's Prayer together and conclude (though we tend to linger, loathe to leave the sweet presence of the Holy Spirit).
Last Wednesday our 40th hour), looking around the large circle (we've been more than 70 these past few weeks) we were struck by what a stew we were -- Charismatics (quiet) and Evangelicals (bold), Catholics and Protestants, of all races and ages. Each week God adds fresh ingredients and seasoning to the pot. And while He's had us simmering on the back burner for a season, now He seems to have brought us forward and turned up the flame.
Mark this date: April 21 (the Friday after Easter) will be the Noon hour's first prime time prayer gathering -- at Tremont Temple (of course), from 7:30 till 9:00 pm. Plan to join us, if you possibly can, and bring as many with you, as you can. The combined candlepower should illumine the night sky -- and maybe for that one shining moment Boston will be reminded that once she was meant to be a city set on a hill, for al the world to see.
Also, some of you have inquired about the next Saturday Hearing God workshop. It will be April 1, at the Connecticut House of Prayer in Kensington (see attached).
-David Manuel

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