Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The Boston House of Prayer

Pray for the Boston House of Prayer. It's actually in Cambridge -- in the First Baptist Church at the corner of Massachusetts and Prospect. Alex was there last Wednesday, for the launch of their 40 days of prayer and fasting. I went yesterday and invited Lou Engle to come to Tremont Temple tomorrow, to share with the Noon hour what's on his heart. He can't, because he's meeting with Brazilian pastors, but he said he'd come next Wednesday.
I got there a little before sunset. Kids from all over the country were there -- sleeping on the floor of the church in sleeping bags. Pastor Paul Amabile and his wife Cheryl are looking after things. The sanctuary is large and high-ceilinged, with tall stained-glass windows, through which the last rays of the sun cast a golden glow over everything. There were 30 or so young people randomly in pews, praying. Charyl told me the sanctuary always has people praying, 24/7.
I was struck by the tender presence of the Lord there -- the same sweet spirit as we have at the Noon hour. It wa really good to be there, and I had a longing to just stop and join in. But I had others that I was chauffeuring and had to go.
Tomorrow, stop in at the Noon hour and catch that spirit, even if you can join us for only a few minutes. Meantime, be encouraged by this word, which Alex received Sunday:
You have heard well and you have heeded to my call to form a sacred assembly. This call to prayer must continually be holy unto me. Be ever conscious that this is not the work of well-intentioned men, but rather it is the work of my Spirit. I am building this house of prayer. As you continually seek my face in the humility of your heart, the fruits of righteousness will increase in abundance.

-David Manuel

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