Friday, November 10, 2017

Neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad

 -Luke 8:21

It was 17 sealed indictments in Washington DC, it's now 34, 800+ nationwide. Heads are about to roll. And President Donald Trump has played the Obama-Clinton crime cartel like a fiddle. You are about to witness something that was deemed to be an impossibility just one year ago.

The sealed indictments in Washington DC now number 34, with and additional 50 in eastern Virginia. it seems like something BIG is brewing. However, if Robert Mueller sells us out and those indictments don't bring down the DNC-Clinton-Podesta crime cartel it will be time to march in the streets.

Traitor - ISIS supporting, John McCain & we-missed-a-bullet Hillary Clinton are wearing the same boot - are they under house arrest?

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