Monday, November 06, 2017

For nothing is secret, that it shall not be made manifest;

neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.  - Luke 8:17

These past few days the remaining hidden FBI/ CIA JFK ASSASSINATION RECORDS have been released thanks to our citizen President Donald J Trump. It's time.

The Nazi connection to the Shadow Government is apparent. President Kennedy's revulsion when discovering the CIA's Operation Northwoods false flag plan to attack American citizens in Miami and blame Cuba, using the excuse to go after Castro's regime, perhaps resulted in Kennedy's statement to break the CIA up into little pieces & firing Allan Dulles (who later, conveniently, oversaw the Warren Commission).

The long version (3 hours):

The short Jim Marrs version (9 minutes):

I read Richard Belzer's book Hit List earlier this year highlighting 50 mysterious deaths following the JFK assassination, including NYC based journalist, Dorothy Killgallen, and former Nazi/ CIA agent George de Mohrenschilde. Letters to and from George HW Bush can be found in the just released archives, supporting the claims in the book.

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