Saturday, June 23, 2007

New Wave of Christian Persecutions in Iran

IRAN – On June 19, 2007, The Voice of the Martyrs confirmed reports that believers in Iran are being detained, interrogated and in one case, imprisoned because of their faith in Jesus Christ.

According to VOM sources, this new wave of persecution is coming against Christians that meet to worship God in the privacy of their homes. VOM sources said, “We have confirmed reports that several believers have been interrogated and one house was stormed by an elite police team that confiscated a computer, several CDs and Christian materials. A Christian was arrested in this attack, and remains in prison.”

Christians in Iran are concerned about these recent incidents. Pray believers in Iran will remain steadfast in their faith despite this new wave of persecution. Pray for the release of the believer in prison and for protection for all Christians in Iran.

“Clearly, Iran’s government is alarmed at the growth of the Christian faith there,” said VOM spokesman Todd Nettleton. “This is a key time for the church in Iran. We call on Iran’s government to release this Christian believer who is being held, and we call on Christians around the world to pray for our brothers and sisters in Iran.”

-Stacy L. Harp - VOM


Ameera said...

I'd like to thank you for your comment and add to yours that I have researched Islam and Muslim faith and I am proud to have stepped away from Christianity as its a faith I had to live with all my life It shows nothing of the truth and the preachers have no idea what they are preaching there is not structure and certainly no faith in Christianity and I am from a very strong Christian upbringing my brother is a minister for the Church of Scotland and believe me if you feel Islam is the roach house of faith then I have to add that Christianity is the most unbelievable of all it is certainly lower than any faith, you are deluding yourself.

daughter of patriots said...

Jesus did not say "follow the hypocrites. He said "follow me".

"Roach Motel" of faith simply means Muslim apostates are either killed out right, or threatened with death. That's not my feeling, its a fact, and in the Quran.