Thursday, June 28, 2007

July 3rd & 4th, Solemn Assembly @ Harvard University

This is a call to prayer not a regular prayer meeting, but a Solemn Assembly.

The difference between our regular prayer meetings and a Solemn Assembly is the way we approach God. When we, as a community or a nation, come to a great situation of despair, trouble, sin, it is most necessary at such a time as this to face the situation head on, presenting it to God--all the facts--with a contrite heart and with repentance. A Solemn Asembly is a time and season of desperate crying out to God for His mercy and forgiveness, in order to be free again (Joel 2:12-18). Personally, I don't believe we can reverse the curse that sin has brought over the land (Deut. 28:15), without Solemn Assemblies around the country. The land is contaminated by all kinds of sin. There is no short way to get God's grace back. We have to recognize that we and our country have sinned against him, and we must confess and repent of our wicked ways.

Why Harvard University?

Harvard University, the first college established by Christian leaders in this country in 1636, is a historic location and a strategic institution for our prayers. The early history of Harvard shows us that one of the most serious subjects in the lives of the students was the morning and evening prayer meetings. Next to Harvard University's campus is the Cambridge Common, where George Washington established the Continental Army on July3rd, 1775, one year before Independence Day. As we do every year, we are going to use the same location for a Solemn Assembly and prayer, spending time under the same tree that Washington and his army met under on July 3, 1775.
We are inviting you to pray with us on behalf of higher education in America. Please help us to PRAY and mobilize intercessors to dedicate July 3rd and 4th for Jesus. These dates are very important and are very prophetic dates, as we will be proclaiming total dependence upon and submission to our Lord Jesus. Our cities, towns, communities and institutions should be taken from the dominion of darkness and brought into the Kingdom of Light (Col. 1:13-14), in the name of Jesus Christ as we pray, "Then your light shall break forth like the morning. Your healing shall spring forth speedily. And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. Then you shall call and the Lord will answer, YOU SHALL CRY AND HE SHALL SAY, HERE I AM." (Isaiah 58:8-9) "Those from among you shall build the oldwaste places; You shall rise up the foundations of many generations; And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach; The restorer of Streets to dwell in." (Isaiah 58:12)

Harvard Square (Cambridge Commons, next to Geo. Washington monument), Cambridge, MA
12 noon, July 3rd - 12 noon, July 4th, 2007

Please increase your daily prayers and ask God to honor us, releasing protection, anointing, revelation and grace.
  • Increase your Bible reading on a daily basis and ask God to give you scipture passages and prophetic words.
  • The Daniel Fast starts June 27th and ends on July 17th. (Vegetables, fruits, natural juices, water, no meats, no milk, no sodas). Other options, skip one meal a day; stop drinking coffee, sodas, sweets or something very important to you. Under medication or special diet? Ask your doctor.

What to bring: Bible, notebook, prophetic words and verses God gave to you. Instruments you like to play. Blanket, water, food.
God bless you for your prayers and for your desire to usher in the glory of God and to build a spiritual climate for Revival and Transformation.

Edson & Eneida Porto Joshua Project - Reclaiming Colleges for God
Cell# 617-642-9549


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