Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Master Surgeon

Last Wednesday, we had another wonderful Noon Hour. And each week, as the hour progresses, His Presence grows stronger. Now at the end of the hour, we are beginning to experience miracles, and each week one or two come into the fullness of the Holy Spirit. If you think that's speaking evangelistically, ask anyone who's been recently. Better yet, come and see for yourself.

Several of us are now receiving words of encouragement from the Lord.

My faithful watchers on the wall, Your hearts continue to please me. You have been patient, when strongly tempted to impatience or indifference. You have been steadfast in your love for me, whether in season or out, convenient or inconvenient, in stormy weather or sunny climes.

You have received my love, and you have freely given my love. Know that you have delighted my heart, and for this reason, what I am about to do in Boston will be centered here and a few other places. You are my foundation stones, well placed and well laid, and on your love will I build my Awakening.

That word was confirmed by Lois, a first-time visitor from another prayer fellowship, who declared we do not have much time, and we must prepare our hearts for the first layer of the Joel 2 Anointing. We also had five visitors from a prayer fellowship that meets on Mondays. We hold them up in prayer each Wednesday, just as we do the Revere men's prayer group that meets at Noon on Wednesdays, and as they do us. In fact, praying for one another's prayer groups, attending one another's events, spreading the word of each other's initiatives all of this is part of God's new pattern (and so different from what has happened in the past).

And it's happening everywhere. Bob Weiner's wife Rose says that they, too, are experiencing miracles. She's asked me to come pray with them this Sunday evening in the Longfellow Room of the Charles Hotel at 7:00 an invitation I extend to all of you. And Tatsuo, a Japanese-American evangelist on the West Coast called a moment ago, to say that God is starting to do the same things there that He is doing here. He knows this, because he shares these updates with his prayer groups there, where God is striking the same chords.

More grist for the mill: last week Rose sent me a prophecy from Hope Reeder in North Carolina, that pretty much confirms everything that God has told a number of us He's about to do in New England. Many of you have already seen and passed along that prophecy, but in case you haven't seen it, it's attached.

One thing is becoming increasingly apparent: God expects all of us who love Him, to hear Him in our hearts with the same confidence and clarity that His prophets do. Regarding that, a number of you have asked when there will be another Hearing His Voice workshop at Tremont Temple. I'm happy to announce that the next one will be on April 28th, a week from this coming Saturday, from 10:00 until 3:00 in the little chapel. If you're interested, drop me an email.

Many of you have asked about Alex. In meeting with him recently, his surgeon could not have been less optimistic. And yet, the Master Surgeon, who met with him this morning, could be more encouraging! Here is what He told Alex: I know that you are not anxious about the status of your healing (a gift from heaven), but my grace has strengthened you to yield more fully to my gift of faith, as expressed in the now.

As I said to Martha just before I raised Lazarus from the dead, I now say to you, my son, regarding your full restoration of health: "Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God? "It shall come to pass, my son, that the word I spoke to you recently has come to pass: This disease has not been given to you for your demise, but for the sharing forth of my glory." (John 11)

-David Manuel

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