Thursday, April 26, 2007

In the flood waters

Today was another glorious Noon hour -- another foretaste of the Awakening. I know I keep saying that, but if you think it's exaggeration, ask any of the 50 who were there today. Even better, come next week!

The best part, of course, was God's Presence, which was with us from the beginning. We did not have to invite Him. We did not have to plead for Him to come. When we got there, He was already so there (as our young members might put it) that we even laughed about it.

And as last week, there was a sense of expectation, of imminence. Which He encouraged.

Prepare to shout for joy.

Prepare to shout in exultation.

For the glory of the Lord will be here,

Sooner than you imagine.

Shouting and praising and weeping,

Come to me,

For I am coming to you

With more glory than you have ever seen.

After the hour was over, and the benediction was spoken (by first-time visitor Reggie who came all the way from Maine), hardly anyone left. We just wanted to linger in His Presence. I began to wonder if maybe the first preliminary wave of the Revival had already come ashore. He did seem to indicate that in a word to Kathy, one of our regulars, who sent it to me earlier in the week:

I woke up with the words: I am commandeering my churches. It is a matter of conscience. . . . At that point I came fully awake, ad He continued to give this word to me: The wave I have sent is a wave in which to soak. What I have started, only I can complete. Some will walk away at this time. . . . Just as when I told my followers: you must eat of my flesh, to have life in you. The teaching was too strange, too difficult to understand. Many walked away. But those I had chosen, remained. They knew that there was no other way.

There is no other way today, than the one I have chosen. If you will be humble and reject your understanding, you will receive my understanding. The waters of this first wave are flood waters that will tap into the wellsprings of salvation. Waters from deep ancient wells beneath your feet will rise to the surface. At first, there will be an oozing, and then, a gushing. Do not strike my rock again, in impatience. The gushing will come!

* * *

For those who would like to be on intimate terms with God, able to hear Him speak to you in your own heart, the next Hearing His Voice workshop will be on Saturday, the 28th , from 10:00 till 3:00, in the little chapel at Tremont Temple. While He may not call you to be a prophet, He is calling you to hear Him, as His prophets do. These are prophetic times, for a prophetic people. If He would have you join us, you know who would not have you there, so. . . . beware of sudden obstructions, and take a moment now to send me an email.

-David Manuel

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I moved to Boston in January 2007, and my first week in town I came across the Boston Noon Hour. I and was shocked but excited to hear so many people prophesy that the greatest revival the world has ever seen was about to begin in 2007 at Tremple Temple Baptist Church.

I've attended the Noon Hour on and off since then, with increasing skepticism. Now that its almost December, and with no revival in sight, will all the false prophets who claimed to hear God, repent and admit they spoke falsely in the name of the Lord? In O.T. times, the penalty for being a false prophet was death, so this is not something to take lightly.

I mean, it seems clear now that the "greatest revival the world has ever seen" will not be happening in 2007 at Tremont Temple Baptist church. Be wary of false spirits, or, at best, emotionally deluded people who make up their religion as they go along.