Thursday, March 01, 2007

A Shi'ite Muslim tells of Jesus appearing to him

We had an extraordinary event at the Noon Hour yesterday, thanks to a divine miscommunication and the kindness of Bob Weiner's wife Rose who shares his burden and ours for the coming Awakening in Boston. We heard the testimony of a Shi'ate Muslim from Iran, to whom Jesus appeared, and who, faced this supernatural but unshakable reality, gave his heart to Him.

We've all heard the stories "little more than rumors" of Jesus appearing to Muslims throughout the Middle East. We hoped they were true; our hearts told us they were. But I had actually met only one eleven years ago in a refugee camp in Croatia. Ruja was a badly-frightened young woman in Mostar at the height of the Bosnian War. On a night when the entire city was reeling under the shelling of Serb gunners on the surrounding mountains, the Lord appeared to her in her room.

She had been a cultural Muslim; she became a vibrant Christian. Kamran Yaraei, the very tall, very humble, very likeable young man who shared his story with us yesterday was no cultural Muslim. From childhood he had known God was real, and he had a deep love for Him. Islam was the only religion he knew, so of devout Muslims he became the most devout. He read the Koran faithfully and prayed five times a day. Year after year he poured out his heart to Allah, who never replied, never gave him the slightest indication that his prayers had been heard. Never returned his love.

Disheartened, Kamran came to America, to Atlanta, to become an actor. As it turned out, his acting coach was a deeply-committed Christian. She started challenging his faith. If he loved God so much, why was he angry at Him? "Because He doesn't love me back!" Maybe you should try praying to Jesus, the Son of God.."That's blasphemy!" Kamran exclaimed. "God is too holy to have a son!" She smiled. "The God I worship could not be more holy, and He does have a Son. Try talking to Him."

So Kamran told Jesus that he didn't believe in Him. But “ if He was whom his coach said He was, then he was willing to be convinced. A little while later, at the urging of his friend, he attended a big church in Atlanta. That Sunday there were several thousand people in the congregation. He was late arriving, so an usher took him to one of the only seats still available in the front row.

Soon the pastor was preaching up a storm, pacing back and forth in front of the congegation. And behind him there was another man, robed, with a rod in His hand. He, too, was walking back and forth. Then He came over to Kamran, touched his heart, and stepped inside of him. Instantly Kamran felt so much love, he could not move. He could not speak. All he could do was weep at the overwhelming love that Jesus had brought with Him. Love was all he had ever wished for from God, and now He had so much, it blew out all his receptors.

The rest of the story is charming and delightful and too long to go into here. (You can check out his website at Last night he spoke at Harvard, in the Law School, to some eighty students of all ethnic backgrounds. They were more than captivated; they were enthralled. He's speaking again at Harvard tomorrow night, and undoubtedly there will be a far greater number attending. Pray for him, as we did yesterday, for the Lord to mightily anoint him, for warrior angels to surround him, that all attempts of the enemy to challenge and disrupt be thwarted, and for God to be glorified.

Other news: Alex was with us and in fine fettle, leading the worship with gusto. Medically his situation has not improved, but he feels great, and his faith is through the roof. Keep praying for him. He has been receiving daily radiation for a week and the chemo starts today.

A number of you have asked about my workshops. Next Thursday and Friday, the 8th and 9th , at Gateway Christian Fellowship in West Haven, Connecticut, I'm doing a two-day distillation of the five-day workshop I lead each summer at Gordon Conwell Seminary (August 6-10 this year). And then on Saturday, the 11th , also at Gateway, I'm leading a day-long hearing God's voice workshop. If your spirit quickens to either (or both) of these, don't do as we so often do, and put off making up your mind till the last possible moment. Last year, so many came to the hearing God workshop that we had to turn people away. So call now to register [203-934-0880]. And remember, if God wants you there, guess who doesn't? Don't let the other one distract you with schedule conflicts and/or last-minute emergencies. A description of each workshop is attached.

Finally, Dick O. heard this in his heart this morning; You noticed how the maturity and strength of those there, are increasing weekly. That will continue until my call for Awakening sounds. You are all readying, although you will never be ready in your own strength. But you will be mighty warriors in My strength. Be still, and know that I am God. Listen to me and pray, pray, pray.

-David Manuel

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