Friday, March 30, 2007

Nineveh & Boston

In all things spiritual (and many things temporal, too, it seems), God is teaching us patience. It is not an easy lesson to learn, and a lot of us are having to learn it..

Alex will soon be done his chemo and radiation. Thanks to your prayers, he has come through both procedures at the top of the charts. But he still has cancer. And recently God reminded him (and us) that while He will heal Alex totally and completely, it will be a long process.

Through prayer Marilou received a miraculous healing; for the first time in months, her hips are in alignment, and she can walk without a limp. But she is still in pain, and still has two steel rods holding her spine straight. Kris is fighting a long uphill battle to preserve the sanctity of traditional marriage in Massachusetts, aware that the enemy is attacking the family unit, the foundation stone of God's social order. It is a battle being waged in the Heavenlies, which requires wave after wave of sustained prayer. We cannot stop praying, no matter how weary we are.

Shelli is also fighting an uphill battle, as she raises awareness and support for CUFI's Night to Honor Israel, the black-tie event at the Statehouse, on the night of May 13. She has experienced mini-miracles, but none of the magic-wand, now-your-troubles-are-over variety.

God could do instant, transformational miracles, if He chose. Yet in many of our lives, He is choosing not to. What we hoped would be a dash, has turned out to be a marathon. And we have no choice but to heed Paul's advice and run with patience the race He has set before us. [Heb. 12:1]

Why is everything, including the Revival, taking so long? He is building stay-the-course endurance into us, the true grit we will need to finish the race, breast the tape, and gain the prize. Because when the cresting wave of Revival finally breaks, there will be no rest, no time to enjoy the laurel crown. The new course will be already set before us, and He will be beckoning us to the starting line.

It is coming. At the last Noon Hour, Dick heard in his heart: My people, your prayers for Boston have ascended to my throne. Like Nineveh, I will turn Boston back to me. But unlike Jonah, my servant, you are interceding for Boston. I hear, and I will bring Revival to Boston.

-David Manuel

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