Monday, August 07, 2006

Kitty O'Shea's Prayer Group - July 31, 2006

Eight regulars gathered at Kitty’s to pray today, joined by Martha.
We gathered with news to share:

Of M’s short term mission trips to New Mexico; of a new job interview for J; and news of last week’s Tremont temple gathering which was filmed by PBS.

We went to prayer, recognizing that a large part of the purpose of our gatherings is to listen and hear through each of us what is on the Father’s heart. D brought the story of someone whom he had seen that morning, watering the sidewalk with a watering can. This led to prayers that God would reveal to each of us where we were wasting our energy and focus; and that he would direct us to where to sow and water. We prayed for fruitfulness in our work, to counter in part the selfishness of those who give up working simply because they don’t need the money to live. We also asked for wisdom to know when to move and when to go.

However, we also remembered the vivid ministry of Old Testament prophets who prophesied using strange actions and even performances to underline their message. We prayed that the watering of the sidewalk would be prophetic of God’s work in bringing fresh water to hard and dry places, like people’s hearts in the city, which he alone can break open, heal and touch. We asked to be faithful in our own ministry in the market place to those around us, trusting God for the outcomes but being change agents ourselves.

We prayed too for the various ministries touching Boston at this time:
For the aftermath and follow up to the Benny Hinn meetings; and
For Park Street and Tremont Temple, as two churches at the centre of the city geographically and also spiritually in many ways.

We remembered the war in the Middle East, praying for Israel, and for the victims of the recent violence on all sides.

Among individual prayer foci, we:
Prayed for the family to whom M had ministered on the mission’s trip;
Remembered J’s brother, currently in Italy; and
Gave thanks for D’s clean bill of health after a recent health scare.

-D. Porteous

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