Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Kitty O'Shea's Prayer Group - August 7, 2006

Five regulars gathered at Kitty’s to pray today, joined by L. who had visited before.

Among the updates, we discussed how easily fear can become pervasive—noting that healthy, reverent fear of God is a positive thing, which has characterized many revivals; but that Jesus often said "Fear not", when addressing his disciples and others who, like us, could easily be frightened, including by his appearance. Fear was not something to dismiss as simply being an attack of the Devil, since it could shake ungodly confidence and lead people to God.

B. shared his recent encouragement through reading Katherine Marshall to dream big—with God’s invitation and encouragement.

In prayer, we expressed gratitude for the many opportunities which had been given us in this city. We prayed for deep fruitfulness in our lives, and boldness to match, with a full recognition of how our feet were planted on the Rock. We prayed for two girls, who were drawn by the games console near the new prayer corner in Kitty’s and who were playing as we prayed. We prayed too for Kitty O’Sheas and asked God’s blessing on the place and all its customers.

We continued to pray for the Middle East, praying against all warmongers and all those who use God’s name in vain there, and for real peace in the region under its true King.

Among individual prayer foci, we:
Prayed for S’s upcoming medical checkup—that the last vertebra would have been fully fused;
Discussed the changes coming at Freedom and Destiny street evangelism ministries which is now without a coordinator;
Remembered J’s friend Matt; and
Asked that God would give wisdom to J, and open new doors for her, following the positive job interview last week.

-D. Porteous

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