Thursday, June 08, 2006

Kitty O'Shea's Prayer Group - June 5

Seven regulars gathered at Kitty’s to pray, joined by D. who had been before but who had meanwhile been involved in starting Fenway Church. He shared of the experience of the starting the church there.

We also heard of the prayer meeting at Tremont Temple on the day of Pentecost, the day before, which several people had attended.

We were reminded of the prime call to faithfulness in witness—through the examples of S’s evangelism team which had gone to Newton to evangelize, despite the rain when they started; and B’s recent encounter with a woman on a plane flight.

In prayer, we lifted up all churches and organizations which sought the Kingdom in Boston, praying for unity and a sense of partnership. With D. present, we prayed especially for Fenway church and the Fenway/Kenmore area. We prayed also for the safe arrival of their first child later this month, and that he and his wife would be ready, and blessed.

We prayed for the small seeds sowed faithfully—whether in Newton or on airplanes—that God would water them by his Spirit and cause them to grow to become mighty oaks of righteousness. We prayed in the words of Galatians 6:9: Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

We also continued to pray for Trinity Congregational, Wayland and Newton, and other areas like it—that affluence would not choke hunger for God. We prayed especially for Jewish people—that they would come to know the true Messiah. We kept up our prayers for good to come from the viewing of the daVinci Code movie.

We remembered M’s son Steve, currently in Istanbul—praying that the trip there would be truly transformational in his life.

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