Monday, September 03, 2007

First hand report of Kassam missile attack in Sderot

(Update: Sep. 4, 2007)
Yesterday Palestinian terrorists fired 9 Kassam rockets into Sderot, including one that landed outside a day care centre for young kids. 12 school children were treated for shock. The Jerusalem Post reported that Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility saying that it was a "present for the new school year."
Just hours after a Kassam missile landed just yards from his location, Shlomo Wollins was interviewed on the Tovia Singer Show ( and described this near-death experience. And, in this 45-minute interview, Wollins provides a moving and comprehensive assessment of the situation in Sderot as well as the political/military landscape in the state of Israel.

2 I will gather all nations
and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. [a]
There I will enter into judgment against them
concerning my inheritance, my people Israel,
for they scattered my people among the nations
and divided up my land.

3 They cast lots for my people
and traded boys for prostitutes;
they sold girls for wine
that they might drink.

4 "Now what have you against me, O Tyre and Sidon and all you regions of Philistia? Are you repaying me for something I have done? If you are paying me back, I will swiftly and speedily return on your own heads what you have done. -Joel 3: 2-4

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