Monday, December 04, 2006

Feel unloved? It's a lie!

When I awoke this morning, I was weighed down with discouragement. Nothing seemed to be working out. All our prayers, all our efforts -- all seemed in vain.

So I got with the Lord, who reminded me that weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. [
Psalm 30:5] That helped. Then He gave me the names of friends with hearts for Revival who felt similarly discouraged, and called me to pray for them, right then, at that moment. That helped more.

Then our friend Madeleine emailed me a picture of the Noon Hour, and that really helped.
And then the Lord called me to include here the Word He had given, at the previous Noon Hour -- the perfect antidote to the other's one poisonous lie that nothing you are doing or praying matters.

I love you, each one of you. In the stillness of the night, you will know my love. In the stress of the marketplace, you will know my love. In the suffering you endure for my sake, you will know my love. When the other one would have you believe that I have left you or forsaken you, there shall you suddenly know the depths of my love. So open your hearts right now, and let me fill them to overflowing with my love.

Join us tomorrow. Do your shopping before or after, write that report before or after, make that call before or after, but come -- and receive the greatest present He has to offer: His limitless, unfathomable, surprising love.
And you can expect a time of healing right after the Noon Hour, for He seems to be taking us in that direction. Here's a word Alex received two days ago.

But I have come to give life abundantly, first in the preaching of my Gospel that produces eternal life in my people. One of the great signs that the Kingdom of God has drawn near, that salvation is for all who call upon my name, is the healing gifts that I shower upon my people. As I have mentioned before, I am interested in the restoration of the whole person, health to spirit, soul and body.

Need restoring? Come pray with us.
-David Manuel

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