Saturday, June 03, 2006

June 4th - Global Day of Prayer @ Tremont Temple

Over the past few months, God has been wonderfully at work bringing His people closer together. He has been breaking denominational and racial barriers, bringing urban and suburban churches into greater unity, increasing our sense of being part of a corporate Church that He wants to revive and empower to do His will in the world. The Global Day of Prayer gathering on June 4th at Tremont Temple is an opportunity for believers in this region to continue strengthening the bonds of Christian unity.

Seven weeks ago, thousands of Christians gathered near Franklin Park in Dorchester to celebrate a "Sacred Assembly." We were blessed by the corporate prayer, and the intense passion and hunger for God expressed by the diverse group of believers that gathered there on that day. Before that event, a wonderful time of prayer and worship took place in January at Tremont Temple, with over a thousand believers gathering to celebrate this new wind of revival that is beginning to blow over New England. Meetings of intercessors from all over the region have been regularly taking place during the past few weeks, and gatherings of key spiritual leaders have been increasing revealing an unprecedented sense of trust and camaraderie among them. God is certainly doing a new thing, and we should all feel blessed to be alive at such a time as this.

Many of us have sung that chorus that says: "Bind us together, Lord. Bind us together, with cords that cannot be broken." There is certainly a significant role God must play to bring His people together. But there is also a ministry work He has left for us to do to help bring us into the unity of the faith. We have a sacred responsibility to discern God's intentions for this time and to do all that we can to reach out to one another. God is calling us to embrace the effort to promote Christian unity in this region. By attending activities that facilitate functional unity among believers, by supporting financially efforts such as the Global Day of Prayer and Covenant for New England, and by lending our time and talents to the organization of similar efforts, we will be aligning ourselves with God's Spirit and setting a strong foundation for revival.

I urge you to come and gather with us on June 4th at Tremont Temple, particularly from 5 to 8 p.m. It will be a wonderful, intense time of celebration and prayer. God's Spirit will meet us there, and we will advance what He is doing in His Church. It will also be a time of vision casting, spiritual impartation and further development of a sense of corporate identity for all of us. Please do not miss it. Commit right now to attend and to pray for this event. Let others in your church know and invite as many as possible to come with you on that day.

Prayer rooms will be open in the Temple from 8:00am to 4:30pm for prayer.

I look forward to seeing you there!

-Dr. Roberto Miranda, Pastor, Lion of Judah, Boston, MA

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