Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Day of the Lord @ Tremont Street Temple

Yesterday in answer to prayer, God brought 70 to the Boston Noon Hour (our 38th). It was our largest gathering thus far, and while God is not impressed with numbers, He did seem pleased with so many open hearts seeking His face. The sweet spirit of the hour and the strong presence of His Spirit were the same as last summer, when we were delighted if six or eight came.
One of the hallmarks of the
Awakening is leaders working together. A generation ago the Charismatic Renewal was thrilling, but it produced many Lone Rangers. What God is doing now is different. We are trying to help and support one another, as it will take all of us working together, to bring forth the fullness of what God intends.
In that spirit, we asked Bob Weiner to share what God is doing at the youth evangelism outreach he is leading over at Ruggles Street Baptist Church. Called the the Boston Awakening, they've already had an encouraging number of young people receive Christ. Check out their website: Last night saw the launch of "
The Uprising," the Boston House of Prayer's forty days of prayer and fasting. Check them out at: They've sent out the call to young prayer warriors across the country to scrap their Spring Break plans and come to Boston to make Harvard a flashpoint to contend for the universities of this nation."A generation has known to feast and play. Now it is time to fast and pray!"
Alex and I, along with many of the Noon Hour regulars, have begun to fast and pray. Join us! The train may have started to move, but if you sprint down the platform and swing aboard the last car, you can make it! Lastly, a number of you have requested copies of "The Day of the Lord" -- the word received yesterday for the Noon Hour. It is attached. Share it as far and wide as you care to.
-David Manuel

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