Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Red Moon Rising Book Review

After Jim mentioned the book, Red Moon Rising, at Kitty’s last week, I decided to order it.

I read it through at one sitting last week—enthralled by the vision of global prayer which has been re-inspired in the past 6-years through the 24-7 Prayer Movement. From very humble beginnings, as you can see on the website, there are literally dozens, if not more, churches or groups praying around the clock around the world for a week or more at a time.

Quite apart from the accounts of how this came to be, I found the book striking for its spirit: not triumphalistic or strident, but humble. The main author, Peter Greig, not only writes with slightly bemused tone about the ongoing miraculous unfolding of resources, connections and key people, clearly all God-ordained; but has also experienced great personal suffering during the time that the movement was building. His wife suffered a severe brain tumor which was not instantly healed, leaving him primarily responsible for two young children over a prolonged period.

In short, the book makes compelling reading for anyone with a heart to pray in these times. Maybe one day, there can be 24-7 prayer at Kitty’s!


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