Monday, January 23, 2006

Cambridge Vineyard Begins Healing Rooms Jan. 26-27th

Cambridge Vineyard opens Healing Rooms Jan. 26th 7:30 - 9:30pm, - Jan. 27th 10:30am - 12:30pm.

Are you or anyone you know dealing with a physical ailment or disease? Do you know that God's desire for your life includes living in perfect health? Do you also know that God continues to miraculously and powerfully heal people of their illnesses all over the world, every day? Experienced prayer team members from ten Boston area churches will join together to pray for physical healing for anyone seeking God's touch.

And these signs shall follow those that believe....they shall lay their hands on the sick, and they shall recover. - Mark 16:17-18

  • Download (pdf file) leaflet here.
  • Download (word doc) Jan - Feb 2006 Schedule here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello to you all!

Thought you'd all be eager for some news: the Greater Boston Healing Rooms opening last week went very, very well. People came from all over the state with varying church backgrounds to receive prayer. Some even came from other states! Just to give you some encouragement:

Thursday night we prayed with twelve people - the exact number of people we can take on Thursday nights - and turned no one away. We know of at least one complete healing - a gentleman who had sciatica for 10 years walked away with no pain. I was able to check in with him this week and the pain is completely gone. Others experienced partial healings and everyone who came reported feeling the strong presence of God and walked away feeling very loved. Who knows what God did with each person even after they left? Praise God!!

Friday morning we can normally pray with 4 people - and four people signed up for prayer immediately. I'm amazed at God's provision, though - some members of our team who were not scheduled on Friday came just to intercede. So - we opened a second room and prayed with a total of 7 people. One woman came down after prayer and reported she'd never felt so loved by God. She stated she now has freedom to move her neck - something she hadn't had in years. Again, the teams reported the strong presence of God in each and every prayer session.

To sum up, God was present, people were healed, demons were cast out, and God's children were touched by His love and compassion. People even reported feeling the presence of God and receiving significant visions while they waited in the Soaking Room. Praise God, He is good!! I'm totally excited to see what God has in store for us the next time (Feb 9-10th).

Just to ensure everyone received a copy, I've attached the schedule through the end of February to this e-mail again. If you can't open it, please let me know. Also, if you find that you are scheduled on a day that you cannot make it, please let me know and I will find a replacement.

God bless you all!
