Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Tyranny by any other name would be "green"

If the EPA's Waters of the USA law doesn't effectively show the not so hidden agenda of totalitarian state control, nothing does.

Farmer agrees to pay feds $1.1 million fine for plowing his own field

California farmer John Duarte thought he was acting within the law when he plowed a field on his property in 2012. But the goverment didn't see it that way. Because he plowed up some "vernal pools" of standing water that have been designated as off limits to farmers, he was fined $2.8 million and ordered to purchase tens of millions of dollars in "mitigation credits. Eventually, rather than face much larger fines and penalties, he agreed to settle the case for $1.1 million in fines and $770,000 in mitigation credits.  

If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? -Psalm 11:3

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