Thursday, April 14, 2016

108 year old Rabbi meets & reveals Yeshua Yamashiach

Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri died in January 2006 with instructions to open the sealed envelope with the name of the Hebrew Messiah on the year anniversary following his death.

And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends. -Zechariah 6:5

This name YHVH actually expresses the name for Yeshua or Jesus in hebrew word pictures. The first letter Y is the hebrew word for "yood" or the hebrew word picture for hand. The next letter is H or "hey" which actually means to reveal or behold. Next is the letter V or "vav" which happens to be the hebrew word picture for nail followed by the letter H again or "hey" which means again to reveal or behold.

So if we were to break this down, the name for G-D or YHVH in the hebrew word picture would say, Y (hand) H (behold) V (nail) H (behold) or look at my hands and look where the nails were.

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