Monday, October 30, 2006

Kitty O'Shea's Prayer Group - October 30, 2006

Ten regulars gathered at Kitty’s to pray today.

We met in the week of Halloween, mindful of the shadow cast by all the attention given to occult practices, especially in places like nearby Salem. However, we were encouraged by the news K brought of ministries like the Bridge which sought to use the gifts of the spirit to minister powerfully to people in that area. K’s children had also been encouraged and challenged by powerful prophetic words spoken into their lives during the preceding weekend. Also, we were blessed by M’s account of ministering freedom from oppression to a woman at the Greater Boston Healing Center last week; and A’s reminder from the Psalms of the God who turns the traps of the evil back on themselves.

D pictured the biblical account of the statue of the false Philistine God Dagon falling repeatedly before the ark of the true God (1 Samuel 5). We prayed with him that all would fall at the feet of the true God; and that his covenants would be respected; and that we would make wise and bold use of the authority given us as his people.

We specifically remembered:
That the people of Salem, and especially those drawn to the occult and to that area this week, would know the true prince of Peace, and receive freedom from the Prince of darkness.
That there would be economic alternatives which brought true prosperity to Salem, not based on its reputation.
Law enforcement agencies during the Halloween period.To ask forgiveness for times, like in the witchburnings, when we the church have taken matters into our own hands and not sought God’s word and ways.
J’s friend T who seemed to be taken in by certain practices, and for J as she continued to be a faithful friend to her.
D’s forthcoming work-related presentations over the next two weeks—and his concern that his words would not fall to be ground but be fruitful.

We also gave thanks for:
The woman healed by God through the prayers of M and her colleague
Success at work
The complete healing of D’s eyesight.

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