Monday, February 06, 2006

Kitty O' Shea's Prayer Group

Eleven people met today to pray, including several who had come in the past and one new person visiting with Jim from Nashua, New Hampshire—Gorn “pronounced Yuron” from Sweden.

Jim shared how vision for Boston had developed in his church; and how his desire was to participate in an innovative and unorthodox church plant which would bring new ministry right to where people were. He asked for ongoing prayer as he met with his pastor to work out a way forward.

Hank shared about the visit of his brother with Lou Engle to Cambridge this past weekend, as part of Justice House of Prayer’s focus on bringing down strongholds of intellectualism in universities in Boston. He asked for prayer for them as they sought appropriate accommodation in Cambridge both for prayer as well as living space for interns/ students. The testimony of our visitor from Sweden strengthened the sense that the academic institutions of occupied an important place in European and wider culture and intellectual formation.

We then prayed that the foundations of the city of Boston would be changed, and that this would happen through new streams of God’s work flowing through the city. We asked that we would be able to see God’s will clearly, and not restrict him through our use of old or comfortable patterns. We gave thanks for those called to pray, and prayed for an army of pray-ers to assemble. We prayed that the church in the city would be united in Christ, as the church in Boston, above narrow denominational concerns. And we prayed for love in our hearts to be able to take the necessary steps of faith required of us.

We realized how much all this required waiting on God; and being refreshed and lifted up by him, not becoming anxious or distracted by all the busy-ness of life, and were encouraged that “Those who wait on the Lord will rise up with wings as eagles, they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint.” (Isa 40:22).

We left with a renewed sense that “Aslan is on the move” in this city.

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