Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Kitty O'Shea's Prayer Group - January 22, 2007

Five regulars gathered at Kitty’s to pray today.

After some catchup sharing, S encouraged us with his recent realization that all, even the most hardened, have the propensity to believe, and do in fact believe in something—they just choose to ignore the subject of belief which is trustworthy and true.

As we went to prayer, we asked that we would ourselves exercise our ‘muscles’ of belief and faith, even when we could not see things happening or changing, for example in the longed for revival in Boston. We asked that our ‘dry bones’ would live again.

We also prayed for one another in various needs and circumstances which we had shared at the beginning:

  • K—for his team as they meet in Orlando this week
  • For the upcoming Africa retreat prior to the National Prayer breakfast
  • S —on his upcoming holiday to Costa Rica;
  • D—for ongoing wisdom about adopting a third child, even though their decision has been postponed for now, and for wisdom as he considers how to expand his practice/company;
  • T—for his work search, including recent promising discussions with Dick’s Carpenters’ Trust, for which we also prayed.

We also remembered to pray for and bless Kitty O Sheas, and held out the prospect that it might one day be filled with pray-ers.

Monday, January 15, 2007

January 19th Praise & Worship Service @ Tremont Temple

An invitation from Roberto Miranda Senior Pastor, Congregación León de Judá and Chairman of Covenant for New England:

Covenant for New England is inviting God's people from all over New England to gather at Tremont Temple on Friday, January 19, 2007 for a service of worship, intercession and proclamation of God’s Word. Our purpose is to continue promoting the unity of God’s people in this region, to clamor for a visitation of the Holy Spirit upon our spiritually dry land, and to continue pressing in toward the renewal of the Church in New England.

In times of dryness and scarcity, God calls us to gather and seek His face, to repent and mourn in the Spirit, and to call for His refreshing rain. In Joel 2:12 He declares:

“Even now, return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.” As we seek Him earnestly and collectively, He promises to respond and pour His blessings upon the land: “Then the Lord will be jealous for his land and take pity on his people. The Lord will reply to them: ‘I am sending you grain, new wine and oil, enough to satisfy you fully.’” (Joel 2:18) There is, of course, a spiritual dimension to this imagery. Grain, wine and oil have always been symbols of the blessings of God’s Spirit, His Word, joy and anointing.

The history of revival shows that when God’s people gather across denominational and geographic lines to seek His face in a sustained way, major blessing takes place. Covenant seeks to be an instrument to facilitate such gatherings in the future. We want to make these gatherings as meaningful and purposeful as possible. We want them to reflect the diversity of Christians in this region. They should be an opportunity for Christians of all denominational backgrounds to be refreshed, inspired and instructed on the dynamics of a Spirit-filled life, a life that is contagious and impacting.

If we covenant together, as God’s regional Church, to seek Him with all our heart until He pours the blessing that He intends, I believe that we will see major change in the spiritual condition of this land.

Please come on Friday, January 19 at 7:30 p.m. to Tremont Temple and invite others. Pray that the Lord will pour out His blessing upon us that evening, and that we will all be refreshed and strengthened.

A note about parking: Limited validated parking is available at One Beacon Street. More reliable parking available at the Boston Common Underground Garage. Enter on Charles Street South. Directions to Tremont Temple

Monday, January 08, 2007

Kitty O'Shea's Prayer Group - January 8, 2007

Five regulars gathered at Kitty’s to pray today, joined by Theo who was originally from Cameroon and had visited the group once before. Andrea noted the frequent connection to Africa which came up in some way in the group; in prayer later, we asked God to reveal whether this had further meaning for any of us.

Kelly shared Jeremiah 29:11 as we went to prayer: For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Kelley also felt a strong assurance of God’s love and acceptance of us all. For David, the future and a hope in Jeremiah linked to Paul’s placement of hope in the context of love in Romans 5:3-5: 3Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

As we pondered on the new year, we prayed for clean hands and pure hearts; and we asked that God enlarge our vision of him as he revealed his will to us. We recalled some of the images and pictures received in prayer last year of dams or levies bursting, and we invited God’s spirit to continue his work in Kittys, in Tremont Temple, Boston and surrounding areas, and to bring more healings.

We also prayed for one another in various needs and circumstances which we had shared at the beginning:

  • T—for wisdom in his ongoing job search;
  • D—for God’s grace and wisdom as he and his wife continue to work through the question of adopting a child;
  • J—grateful for God’s provision and for the recent change in her mother, and praying for protection from a possible work-related health hazard discovered recently;
  • K—thankful for provision of new support but seeking further;
  • A—considering the implications of changing work circumstances.
  • G—grateful for some work-related stability.

We remembered too those regulars who were not present today; and prayed for healing for A from Tremont Temple who has cancer.